Dementia & My Senior Dog (Part 1)

Snoopy, 16 years, 10 months, one week, one day, 3 hours, and counting…


I will never understand how anyone can give away their dog or cat. It’s like their unfinished book or missing chapters in our book of life. It’s a dog’s (or cat)’s  story about an amazing bond that touches their heart, and then that’s it. Done. Their people throw them away. That book ends for that pet. Their story has to start over somewhere else if they are lucky.


I know sometimes there is that unexpected day that ends with our young pet having their last day. Their story is unfinished, but it continues in our hearts. They become part of a chapter in our story.


Snoopy is 7 weeks away from his 17th birthday, and the veterinarian doesn’t think he has much time left. When do we decide that their story is over? Will he make that decision for me? Is it that look  I will see in his eyes that pierce into my soul? Or, will it be it the day after, like other pets have had their best day -you know that day, when they show puppy or kitten energy out of nowhere. Then you think, they are ok and have more time, only to say goodbye the next day. They give you a glimpse of who they were when they were whole and young.


Snoopy has dementia, and it’s heart breaking. The veterinarian explained that he doesn’t always know it’s me. He may have good days, and bad days. He may be confused. I know he’s still in there. I see it in his eyes when he looks at me.


I know it’s not all day long, but that eye to eye soulful moment tells me he’s still hanging on. It’s when he gives his BFF, Edward the cat, a head butt. It’s when he goes out to go potty and runs inside to chase the first cat he sees, always unexpected for the cat. He’s happy and jumping. I know the cats get a little frazzled, but I can’t help but love the moment when I see him smiling and trotting around.


Christmas was a little extra special this year. Every year, I put toys and treats around the tree for the cats. Afterwards, Snoopy gets his treats and toys. If he goes first, he will eat all the cat treats. :-) Snoopy used to pose for pictures. He learned as a puppy, if my Nikon was out, it meant pictures and treats. This Christmas, he walked to the front of the tree and looked for his presents.  So, I quickly gave him his present, and to my surprise, he picked it up. He played with it, and I was able to get pictures of him like I used to before his dementia started. He rarely plays with toys now, so I was surprised.


My little Snoopy-Otie is still in there. His story is not over yet. I’m not unrealistic, so I am going to order his custom birthday cake, so he can enjoy the happy celebration before his birthday. If he’s still here for his 17th birthday, then he will get another birthday party.


To be continued…


I will share Snoopy’s full story in the next blog. I’ll tell you all about the first day he arrived and fun moments throughout his life.